
A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


accept(String, String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextConsumer
Accepts a context pair.
accept(Context) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextConsumer
Accepts a context pair.
accept(ContextSet) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextConsumer
Accepts a context set.
Action - Interface in net.luckperms.api.actionlog
Represents a logged action.
Action.Builder - Interface in net.luckperms.api.actionlog
Builds an Action instance
Action.Source - Interface in net.luckperms.api.actionlog
Represents the source of an action.
Action.Target - Interface in net.luckperms.api.actionlog
Represents the target of an action.
Action.Target.Type - Enum Class in net.luckperms.api.actionlog
Represents the type of a Action.Target.
actionBuilder() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.ActionLogger
Returns a new Action.Builder instance
ActionLog - Interface in net.luckperms.api.actionlog
Represents the internal LuckPerms log.
ActionLogger - Interface in net.luckperms.api.actionlog
Represents the object responsible for handling action logging.
ActionLogMessage - Interface in net.luckperms.api.messenger.message.type
Represents an "action log" message.
add(String, String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ImmutableContextSet.Builder
Adds a context to the set.
add(String, String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.MutableContextSet
Adds a context to this set.
add(Context) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ImmutableContextSet.Builder
Adds a context to the set.
add(Context) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.MutableContextSet
Adds a context to this set.
add(Node) - Method in interface
Adds a node.
add(Node, TemporaryNodeMergeStrategy) - Method in interface
Adds a node.
ADD_NEW_DURATION_TO_EXISTING - Enum constant in enum class
Expiry durations will be added to the existing expiry time of a permission.
addAll(Iterable<Context>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ImmutableContextSet.Builder
Adds the contexts contained in the given Iterable to the set.
addAll(Iterable<Context>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.MutableContextSet
Adds the contexts contained in the given Iterable to this set.
addAll(ContextSet) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ImmutableContextSet.Builder
Adds all the contexts in another ContextSet to the set.
addAll(ContextSet) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.MutableContextSet
Adds all the contexts in another ContextSet to this set.
ADDED_TO_FIRST_GROUP - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.track.PromotionResult.Status
Indicates that the user was added to the first group in the track.
ALL - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder.DataTypeFilter
A data type filter indicating that all DataTypes should be used.
ALL_VALUES_PER_KEY - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSatisfyMode
Mode where a ContextSet A will be satisfied by another set B, if all key-value entries in A are also in B.
always(Comparator<DataType>) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder.DataQueryOrderFunction
Creates a DataQueryOrderFunction that always returns the given comparator.
always(Predicate<DataType>) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder.DataTypeFilterFunction
Creates a DataTypeFilterFunction that always returns the given predicate.
AMBIGUOUS_CALL - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.track.DemotionResult.Status
Indicates that the implementation was unable to determine the users current position on this track.
AMBIGUOUS_CALL - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.track.PromotionResult.Status
Indicates that the implementation was unable to determine the users current position on this track.
API - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.cause.CreationCause
The creation was caused by an API call
API - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.cause.DeletionCause
The deletion was caused by an API call
appendGroup(Group) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.Track
Appends a group to the end of this track
APPLY_INHERITANCE_NODES_WITHOUT_SERVER_CONTEXT - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.Flag
If global or non-server-specific group memberships should be applied
APPLY_INHERITANCE_NODES_WITHOUT_WORLD_CONTEXT - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.Flag
If global or non-world-specific group memberships should be applied
areEqual(Node, Node) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeEqualityPredicate
Returns if the two nodes are equal.
asBoolean() - Method in enum class net.luckperms.api.util.Tristate
Returns the value of the Tristate as a boolean.
asEncodedString() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.messenger.message.OutgoingMessage
Gets an encoded string form of this message.
AT_LEAST_ONE_VALUE_PER_KEY - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSatisfyMode
Mode where a ContextSet A will be satisfied by another set B, if at least one of the key-value entries per key in A are also in B.
auditTemporaryNodes() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.PermissionHolder
Removes any temporary permissions that have expired.


broadcastAction(Action) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.ActionLogger
Submits a log entry to the plugins log broadcasting handler.
build() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.Action.Builder
Creates a Action instance from the builder.
build() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ImmutableContextSet.Builder
Creates a ImmutableContextSet from the values previously added to the builder.
build() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeBuilder
Creates a Node instance from the builder.
build() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.QueryOptions.Builder
Builds a QueryOptions instance from the properties defined to the builder.
builder() - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.Action
builder() - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ImmutableContextSet
builder() - Method in enum class net.luckperms.api.node.ChatMetaType
builder() - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.DisplayNameNode
Creates a DisplayNameNode builder.
builder() - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.InheritanceNode
Creates a InheritanceNode builder.
builder() - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.MetaNode
Creates a MetaNode builder.
builder() - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.PermissionNode
Creates a PermissionNode builder.
builder() - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.PrefixNode
Creates a PrefixNode builder.
builder() - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.RegexPermissionNode
Creates a RegexPermissionNode builder.
builder() - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.SuffixNode
Creates a SuffixNode builder.
builder() - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.WeightNode
Creates a WeightNode builder.
builder(int) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.WeightNode
Creates a WeightNode builder.
builder(String) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.Node
Gets a NodeBuilder for the given node key.
builder(String) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.DisplayNameNode
Creates a DisplayNameNode builder.
builder(String) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.InheritanceNode
Creates a InheritanceNode builder.
builder(String) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.PermissionNode
Creates a PermissionNode builder.
builder(String) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.RegexPermissionNode
Creates a RegexPermissionNode builder.
builder(String, int) - Method in enum class net.luckperms.api.node.ChatMetaType
builder(String, int) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.PrefixNode
Creates a PrefixNode builder.
builder(String, int) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.SuffixNode
Creates a SuffixNode builder.
builder(String, String) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.MetaNode
Creates a MetaNode builder.
builder(Pattern) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.RegexPermissionNode
Creates a RegexPermissionNode builder.
builder(Group) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.InheritanceNode
Sets the name of group to inherit.
builder(QueryMode) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.QueryOptions
Creates a new QueryOptions.Builder for the given QueryMode.
BUKKIT - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.platform.Platform.Type
BUNGEECORD - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.platform.Platform.Type


CachedData - Interface in net.luckperms.api.cacheddata
Holds cached lookup data for a given set of query options.
CachedDataManager - Interface in net.luckperms.api.cacheddata
Holds cached permission and meta lookup data for a PermissionHolder.
CachedDataManager.Container<T extends CachedData> - Interface in net.luckperms.api.cacheddata
Manages a specific type of cached data within a CachedDataManager instance.
CachedMetaData - Interface in net.luckperms.api.cacheddata
Holds cached meta lookup data for a specific set of contexts.
CachedPermissionData - Interface in net.luckperms.api.cacheddata
Holds cached permission lookup data for a specific set of contexts.
calculate(Object, ContextConsumer) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.StaticContextCalculator
calculate(ContextConsumer) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.StaticContextCalculator
Submits any contexts this calculator determines to be applicable.
calculate(QueryOptions) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedDataManager.Container
Calculates data, bypassing the cache.
calculate(T, ContextConsumer) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextCalculator
Submits any contexts this calculator determines to be applicable to the target contextual subject.
Cancellable - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.type
Represents an event that can be cancelled
cancellationState() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.type.Cancellable
Gets an AtomicBoolean holding the cancellation state of the event
cast(Node) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeType
Casts the given Node to the type defined by the NodeType.
CHAT_META - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeType
Node type for ChatMetaNode.
ChatMetaNode<N extends ChatMetaNode<N,B>,B extends ChatMetaNode.Builder<N,B>> - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node.types
Represents a chat meta node.
ChatMetaNode.Builder<N extends ChatMetaNode<N,B>,B extends ChatMetaNode.Builder<N,B>> - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node.types
A ChatMetaNode builder.
ChatMetaType - Enum Class in net.luckperms.api.node
Represents a type of chat meta
checkPermission(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedPermissionData
Performs a permission check for the given permission node.
CLEAN_INSERT - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.model.PlayerSaveResult.Outcome
There was no existing data saved for either the uuid or username
cleanupUser(User) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.user.UserManager
Unload a user from the internal storage, if they're not currently online.
clear() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.MutableContextSet
Removes all contexts from the set.
clear() - Method in interface
Clears all nodes.
clear(Predicate<? super Node>) - Method in interface
Clears any nodes which pass the predicate.
clear(ContextSet) - Method in interface
Clears all nodes in a specific context.
clear(ContextSet, Predicate<? super Node>) - Method in interface
Clears all nodes in a specific context which pass the predicate.
clearExpiry() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeBuilder
Marks that the node being built should never expire.
clearGroups() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.Track
Clear all of the groups from this track
close() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.EventSubscription
Unregisters this handler from the event bus.
close() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.messenger.Messenger
Performs the necessary action to gracefully shutdown the messenger.
COMMAND - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.cause.CreationCause
The creation was caused by a command
COMMAND - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.cause.DeletionCause
The deletion was caused by a command
ConfigReloadEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.sync
Called when the configuration is reloaded
CONSOLE - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.platform.PlatformEntity.Type
Represents the server console
consumeIncomingMessage(Message) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.messenger.IncomingMessageConsumer
Consumes a message instance.
consumeIncomingMessageAsString(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.messenger.IncomingMessageConsumer
Consumes a message in an encoded string format.
contains(String, String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSet
Returns if the ContextSet contains a given context pairing.
contains(Context) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSet
Returns if the ContextSet contains a given context pairing.
contains(Node, NodeEqualityPredicate) - Method in interface
Gets if this instance contains a given Node.
containsAny(String, Iterable<String>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSet
Returns if the ContextSet contains any of the given context pairings.
containsGroup(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.Track
Checks if a group features on this track
containsGroup(Group) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.Track
Checks if a group features on this track
containsKey(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSet
Returns if the ContextSet contains at least one value for the given key.
context() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.QueryOptions
Gets the context, if the options are contextual.
context(ContextSet) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeBuilder
Sets the extra contexts for the node.
context(ContextSet) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.QueryOptions.Builder
Sets the context.
Context - Interface in net.luckperms.api.context
Represents an individual context pair.
ContextCalculator<T> - Interface in net.luckperms.api.context
Calculates the contexts applicable for a contextual subject.
ContextConsumer - Interface in net.luckperms.api.context
Functional interface that accepts context key value pairs.
ContextManager - Interface in net.luckperms.api.context
Manages ContextCalculators, and calculates applicable contexts for a given type.
ContextSatisfyMode - Enum Class in net.luckperms.api.context
Mode for determining whether a ContextSet satisfies another.
ContextSet - Interface in net.luckperms.api.context
A set of contexts.
ContextSetFactory - Interface in net.luckperms.api.context
A factory for creating ContextSets.
contextual(ContextSet) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.QueryOptions
Creates a contextual QueryOptions instance with the given context and default flags.
contextual(ContextSet, Set<Flag>) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.QueryOptions
Creates a contextual QueryOptions instance with the given context and flags.
CONTEXTUAL - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.QueryMode
Contextual query.
ContextUpdateEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.context
Called when a subject's current/active contexts are updated.
create() - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.MutableContextSet
Creates a new empty MutableContextSet.
createAndLoadGroup(String) - Method in interface
Creates a new group in the plugin's storage provider and then loads it into memory.
createAndLoadTrack(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.TrackManager
Creates a new track in the plugin's storage provider and then loads it into memory.
createDefinition(List<MetaStackElement>, DuplicateRemovalFunction, String, String, String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.metastacking.MetaStackFactory
Creates a new MetaStackDefinition with the given properties.
CreationCause - Enum Class in net.luckperms.api.event.cause
The cause of a group/track creation


data() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.PermissionHolder
Gets the holders DataType.NORMAL data.
DataMutateResult - Enum Class in
Represents the result of a data mutation call on a LuckPerms object.
DataMutateResult.WithMergedNode - Interface in
Extension of DataMutateResult for temporary set operations.
DataQueryOrder - Enum Class in net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder
Represents the order in which to query different DataTypes.
DataQueryOrderFunction - Interface in net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder
A function that generates a DataQueryOrder comparator for PermissionHolders as required during inheritance.
DataType - Enum Class in
Represents a type of data.
DataTypeFilter - Enum Class in net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder
Represents which different DataTypes are used for a query.
DataTypeFilterFunction - Interface in net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder
A function that generates a DataTypeFilter predicate for PermissionHolders as required during inheritance.
DefaultContextKeys - Class in net.luckperms.api.context
Some default context keys used by the plugin.
defaultContextualOptions() - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.QueryOptions
Gets the default contextual query options.
defaultContextualOptions() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.QueryOptionsRegistry
Gets the default contextual query options.
defaultNonContextualOptions() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.QueryOptionsRegistry
Gets the default non contextual query options.
deleteGroup(Group) - Method in interface
Permanently deletes a group from the plugin's storage provider.
deletePlayerData(UUID) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.user.UserManager
Deletes any data about a given player from the uuid caching system.
deleteTrack(Track) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.TrackManager
Permanently deletes a track from the plugin's storage provider.
DeletionCause - Enum Class in net.luckperms.api.event.cause
The cause of a group/track deletion
demote(User, ContextSet) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.Track
Demotes the given user along this track.
DEMOTION - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.user.track.TrackAction
The user was demoted down a track
DemotionResult - Interface in net.luckperms.api.track
Encapsulates the result of Users demotion along a Track.
DemotionResult.Status - Enum Class in net.luckperms.api.track
The result status
description(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.Action.Builder
Sets the action of the entry.
DIMENSION_TYPE_KEY - Static variable in class net.luckperms.api.context.DefaultContextKeys
The context key used to denote the dimension type of the subjects world.
DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeType
Node type for DisplayNameNode.
displayName(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.DisplayNameNode.Builder
Sets the display name.
DisplayNameNode - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node.types
A sub-type of Node used to mark the display name of the node's holder.
DisplayNameNode.Builder - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node.types
A DisplayNameNode builder.
DuplicateRemovalFunction - Interface in net.luckperms.api.metastacking
Functional interface which removes duplicate entries from a list.


empty() - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ImmutableContextSet
Returns an empty ImmutableContextSet.
END_OF_TRACK - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.track.PromotionResult.Status
Indicates that the user is already a member of the group at the end of the track, and as such cannot be promoted any further.
ENTITY - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.source.Source.Type
Represents an PlatformEntity source
EntitySource - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.source
Represents an PlatformEntity which was the Source of something.
equals(Node, NodeEqualityPredicate) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.Node
Gets if this Node is equal to another node as defined by the given NodeEqualityPredicate.
equals(T, NodeEqualityPredicate) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.matcher.NodeMatcher
Gets a NodeMatcher which matches nodes which are equal to the given other node according to the NodeEqualityPredicate.
equals(T, NodeEqualityPredicate) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.matcher.NodeMatcherFactory
Gets a NodeMatcher which matches nodes which are equal to the given other node according to the NodeEqualityPredicate.
equals(Object) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.Node
Gets if this Node is equal to another node.
equalTo(Node) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeEqualityPredicate
Returns a Predicate, returning true if the tested node is equal to the one given, according to the NodeEqualityPredicate.
estimatePotentialContexts() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextCalculator
Gets a ContextSet, containing some/all of the contexts this calculator could potentially submit.
EventBus - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event
The LuckPerms event bus.
EventSubscription<T extends LuckPermsEvent> - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event
Represents a subscription to a LuckPermsEvent.
EXACT - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeEqualityPredicate
Represents an exact match.
expiry(long) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeBuilder
Sets the time when the node should expire.
expiry(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeBuilder
Sets the time when the node should expire.
expiry(TemporalAccessor) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeBuilder
Sets the time when the node should expire.
expiry(TemporalAmount) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeBuilder
Sets the time when the node should expire.
Extension - Interface in net.luckperms.api.extension
Represents a simple extension "plugin" for LuckPerms.
ExtensionLoadEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.extension
Called when an Extension is loaded.
ExtensionManager - Interface in net.luckperms.api.extension
Manages extensions.


FABRIC - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.platform.Platform.Type
FAIL - Enum constant in enum class
Indicates the mutation failed
FAIL_ALREADY_HAS - Enum constant in enum class
Indicates the mutation failed because the subject of the action already has something
FAIL_LACKS - Enum constant in enum class
Indicates the mutation failed because the subject of the action lacks something
FALSE - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.util.Tristate
A value indicating a negative (negated) setting
FIRST_ONLY - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.metastacking.DuplicateRemovalFunction
A DuplicateRemovalFunction that retains only the first occurrence.
flag(Flag) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.QueryOptions
Gets if the given Flag is set.
flag(Flag, boolean) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.QueryOptions.Builder
Sets the value of the given flag.
Flag - Enum Class in net.luckperms.api.query
The flags which can be set for a query.
flags() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.QueryOptions
Gets the Flags which are set.
flags(Set<Flag>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.QueryOptions.Builder
Sets the flags.
forDisplayName() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeBuilderRegistry
forInheritance() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeBuilderRegistry
forKey(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeBuilderRegistry
Gets a NodeBuilder applicable for the given key.
forMeta() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeBuilderRegistry
Gets a NodeBuilder for MetaNodes.
forPermission() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeBuilderRegistry
forPrefix() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeBuilderRegistry
Gets a NodeBuilder for PrefixNodes.
forRegexPermission() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeBuilderRegistry
forSingleContext(String, Function<T, String>) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextCalculator
Creates a new ContextCalculator that provides a single context.
forSingleContext(String, Supplier<String>) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.StaticContextCalculator
Creates a new StaticContextCalculator that provides a single context.
forSuffix() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeBuilderRegistry
Gets a NodeBuilder for SuffixNodes.
forWeight() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeBuilderRegistry
Gets a NodeBuilder for WeightNodes.
fromString(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.metastacking.MetaStackFactory
Parses a standard MetaStackElement from string, using the pre-defined elements in the plugin.
fromStrings(List<String>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.metastacking.MetaStackFactory
Parses a list of MetaStackElements from string, using the pre-defined elements in the plugin.


GAMEMODE_KEY - Static variable in class net.luckperms.api.context.DefaultContextKeys
The context key used to denote the subjects gamemode.
GENERIC_FAILURE - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.util.Result
Instance of Result which always reports failure.
GENERIC_SUCCESS - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.util.Result
Instance of Result which always reports success.
get() - Static method in class net.luckperms.api.LuckPermsProvider
Gets an instance of the LuckPerms API, throwing IllegalStateException if the API is not loaded yet.
get(QueryOptions) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedDataManager.Container
Gets data from the cache.
getAction() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.user.track.UserDemoteEvent
getAction() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.user.track.UserPromoteEvent
getAction() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.user.track.UserTrackEvent
Gets the action performed
getAction() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.messenger.message.type.ActionLogMessage
Gets the action being sent
getActionLogger() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.LuckPerms
Gets the ActionLogger, responsible for saving and broadcasting defined actions occurring on the platform.
getAnyValue(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSet
Returns any value from this ContextSet matching the key, if present.
getApiVersion() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.platform.PluginMetadata
Gets the API version
getCachedData() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.PermissionHolder
Gets the holders CachedDataManager cache.
getCause() - Method in interface
Gets the cause of the creation
getCause() - Method in interface
Gets the cause of the deletion
getCause() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.track.TrackCreateEvent
Gets the cause of the creation
getCause() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.track.TrackDeleteEvent
Gets the cause of the deletion
getContent() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.ActionLog
Gets the Actions that make up this log.
getContent(UUID) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.ActionLog
Gets the entries in the log performed by the given actor.
getContext(Object) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextManager
Queries the ContextManager for current context values for the subject.
getContext(User) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextManager
Queries the ContextManager for current context values for the given User.
getContext(T) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.platform.PlayerAdapter
Gets current active context for the player.
getContextManager() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.LuckPerms
Gets the ContextManager, responsible for managing ContextCalculators, and calculating applicable contexts.
getContexts() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.Node
Gets the contexts required for this node to apply.
getContextSetFactory() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextManager
Gets the ContextSetFactory, responsible for creating ContextSet instances.
getData() - Method in interface
Gets the data that was recalculated
getData() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.user.UserDataRecalculateEvent
Gets the data that was recalculated
getData(DataType) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.PermissionHolder
Gets the NodeMap of a particular type.
getDataAfter() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.node.NodeMutateEvent
Gets an immutable copy of the holders data after the change
getDataBefore() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.node.NodeAddEvent
getDataBefore() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.node.NodeClearEvent
getDataBefore() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.node.NodeMutateEvent
Gets an immutable copy of the holders data before the change
getDataBefore() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.node.NodeRemoveEvent
getDataType() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.node.NodeMutateEvent
Gets the data type that was mutated.
getDataType() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.metadata.types.InheritanceOriginMetadata
Gets the type of the NodeMap the node was inherited from.
getDescription() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.Action
Returns a string describing the action which took place.
getDisplayName() - Method in interface
Gets the groups "display name", if it has one that differs from it's actual name.
getDisplayName() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.DisplayNameNode
Gets the display name.
getDisplayName(QueryOptions) - Method in interface
Gets the groups "display name", if it has one that differs from it's actual name.
getDistinctNodes() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.PermissionHolder
Gets a flattened and sorted view of the holders own distinct Nodes.
getDuplicateRemovalFunction() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.metastacking.MetaStackDefinition
Gets the duplicate removal function, applied to the entries before formatting takes place.
getElements() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.metastacking.MetaStackDefinition
Gets an immutable list of the elements in this stack definition
getEndSpacer() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.metastacking.MetaStackDefinition
Gets the spacer added after any stack elements
getEntity() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.source.EntitySource
Gets the entity.
getEntry() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.log.LogBroadcastEvent
Gets the log entry to be broadcasted
getEntry() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.log.LogNetworkPublishEvent
Gets the log entry to be published
getEntry() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.log.LogNotifyEvent
Gets the log entry to be sent
getEntry() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.log.LogPublishEvent
Gets the log entry to be published
getEntry() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.log.LogReceiveEvent
Gets the log entry being received
getEventBus() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.LuckPerms
Gets the EventBus, used for subscribing to internal LuckPerms events.
getEventClass() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.EventSubscription
Gets the class this handler is listening to
getEventType() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.LuckPermsEvent
Gets the type of the event.
getExistingData() - Method in interface
Gets an immutable copy of the groups existing data
getExistingData() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.track.TrackDeleteEvent
Gets an immutable copy of the tracks existing data
getExpiry() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.Node
Gets the time when this node will expire.
getExpiryDuration() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.Node
Gets the time until this node will expire.
getExtension() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.extension.ExtensionLoadEvent
Gets the extension that was loaded.
getFriendlyName() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.PermissionHolder
Gets a friendly name for this holder, to be displayed in command output, etc.
getFriendlyName() - Method in enum class net.luckperms.api.platform.Platform.Type
Gets a readable name for the platform type.
getGroup() - Method in interface
Gets the group whose data was loaded
getGroup() - Method in interface
Gets the new group
getGroup() - Method in interface
Gets the group whose data was recalculated
getGroup() - Method in interface
Gets the group that was loaded
getGroup() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.track.mutate.TrackAddGroupEvent
Gets the group that was added
getGroup() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.track.mutate.TrackRemoveGroupEvent
Gets the group that was removed
getGroup(String) - Method in interface
Gets a loaded group.
getGroupFrom() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.user.track.UserTrackEvent
Gets the group the user was promoted/demoted from.
getGroupFrom() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.DemotionResult
Gets the name of the group the user was demoted from, if applicable.
getGroupFrom() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.PromotionResult
Gets the name of the group the user was promoted from, if applicable.
getGroupHistory(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.ActionLog
Gets the log content for a given group
getGroupManager() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.LuckPerms
Gets the GroupManager, responsible for managing Group instances.
getGroupName() - Method in interface
Gets the name of the deleted group
getGroupName() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.InheritanceNode
Gets the name of the group to be inherited.
getGroups() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.Track
Gets a list of the groups on this track
getGroupTo() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.user.track.UserTrackEvent
Gets the group the user was promoted/demoted to
getGroupTo() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.DemotionResult
Gets the name of the group the user was demoted from, if applicable.
getGroupTo() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.PromotionResult
Gets the name of the group the user was promoted from, if applicable.
getHandler() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.EventSubscription
Gets the event consumer responsible for handling the event
getHolder() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.HeldNode
Gets the holder of the node
getId() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.messenger.message.Message
Gets the unique id associated with this message.
getIdentifier() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.PermissionHolder
Gets the identifier of the holder.
getInheritedGroups(QueryOptions) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.PermissionHolder
Gets a collection of the Groups this holder inherits nodes from.
getKey() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.Context
Gets the context key.
getKey() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.Node
Gets the key (String) of the node.
getKnownPermissions() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.platform.Platform
Gets a Collection of all known permission strings.
getLoadedData() - Method in interface
Gets the data that was loaded
getLoadedData() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.user.UserCacheLoadEvent
Gets the data that was loaded
getLoadedExtensions() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.extension.ExtensionManager
Gets a collection of all loaded extensions.
getLoadedGroups() - Method in interface
Gets a set of all loaded groups.
getLoadedTracks() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.TrackManager
Gets a set of all loaded tracks.
getLoadedUsers() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.user.UserManager
Gets a set of all loaded users.
getLog() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.ActionLogger
Gets a ActionLog instance from the plugin storage.
getLogId() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.log.LogNetworkPublishEvent
Gets the ID of the log entry being published
getLogId() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.log.LogReceiveEvent
Gets the ID of the log entry being received
getLuckPerms() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.LuckPermsEvent
Get the API instance this event was dispatched from
getMergedNode() - Method in interface
Gets the node that resulted from any TemporaryNodeMergeStrategy processing.
getMessagingService() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.LuckPerms
Gets the MessagingService, used to dispatch updates throughout a network of servers running the plugin.
getMeta() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedMetaData
Gets a map of all accumulated meta.
getMetadata(NodeMetadataKey<T>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.Node
Gets the metadata corresponding to the given key, if present.
getMetaData() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedDataManager
Gets MetaData from the cache, using the most appropriate query options available at the time.
getMetaData(QueryOptions) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedDataManager
Gets MetaData from the cache, using the given query options.
getMetaData(T) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.platform.PlayerAdapter
Gets the current CachedMetaData for the player, using their active query options.
getMetaKey() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.MetaNode
Gets the meta key.
getMetaStackFactory() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.LuckPerms
getMetaType() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.ChatMetaNode
Gets the type.
getMetaValue() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.ChatMetaNode
Gets the meta value.
getMetaValue() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.MetaNode
Gets the meta value.
getMetaValue(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedMetaData
Gets a value for the given meta key.
getMetaValue(String, Function<String, ? extends T>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedMetaData
Gets a value for the given meta key, and runs it through the given transformer.
getMiddleSpacer() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.metastacking.MetaStackDefinition
Gets the spacer added between stack elements
getName() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.Action.Source
Gets the source name.
getName() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.Action.Target
Gets the target name.
getName() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.messaging.MessagingService
Gets the name of this messaging service
getName() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.messenger.MessengerProvider
Gets the name of this provider.
getName() - Method in interface
Get the name of the group
getName() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.PermissionHolder.Identifier
Gets the PermissionHolders generic name.
getName() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.platform.PlatformEntity
Gets the name of the object
getName() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.Track
Gets the name of this track
getNext(Group) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.Track
Gets the next group on the track, after the one provided
getNode() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.node.NodeAddEvent
Gets the node that was added
getNode() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.node.NodeRemoveEvent
Gets the node that was removed
getNode() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.HeldNode
Gets the node
getNodeBuilderRegistry() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.LuckPerms
getNodeMatcherFactory() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.LuckPerms
getNodes() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.node.NodeClearEvent
Gets the nodes that were cleared
getNodes() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.PermissionHolder
Gets a flattened view of the holders own Nodes.
getNodes(NodeType<T>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.PermissionHolder
Gets a flattened view of the holders own Nodes of the given type.
getNotifiable() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.log.LogNotifyEvent
Gets the object to be notified.
getOrderComparator(PermissionHolder.Identifier) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder.DataQueryOrderFunction
Gets the DataQueryOrder comparator for the given holder identifier.
getOrigin() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.log.LogBroadcastEvent
Gets where the log entry originated from.
getOrigin() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.log.LogNotifyEvent
Gets where the log entry originated from.
getOrigin() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.metadata.types.InheritanceOriginMetadata
Gets the location where the Node is inherited from.
getOtherUniqueIds() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.PlayerSaveResult
Gets the other uuids involved in the result.
getOutcomes() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.PlayerSaveResult
Gets the status returned by the operation
getPattern() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.RegexPermissionNode
Gets the pattern for the regex node.
getPatternString() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.RegexPermissionNode
Gets the non-compiled pattern string.
getPermission() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.PermissionNode
Gets the permission string this node encapsulates.
getPermissionData() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedDataManager
Gets PermissionData from the cache, using the most appropriate query options available at the time.
getPermissionData(QueryOptions) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedDataManager
Gets PermissionData from the cache, using the given query options.
getPermissionData(T) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.platform.PlayerAdapter
Gets the current CachedPermissionData for the player, using their active query options.
getPermissionMap() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedPermissionData
Gets an immutable copy of the permission map backing the permission calculator
getPlatform() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.LuckPerms
Gets the Platform, which represents the server platform the plugin is running on.
getPlayerAdapter(Class<T>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.LuckPerms
Gets the PlayerAdapter instance, a utility class for adapting platform Player instances to Users.
getPluginMetadata() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.LuckPerms
Gets the PluginMetadata, responsible for providing metadata about the LuckPerms plugin currently running.
getPrefix() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedMetaData
Gets the prefix.
getPrefixes() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedMetaData
Gets a sorted map of all accumulated prefixes.
getPrefixStackDefinition() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedMetaData
Gets the definition used for the prefix stack.
getPrevious(Group) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.Track
Gets the previous group on the track, before the one provided
getPreviousUsername() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.PlayerSaveResult
Gets the previous username involved in the result.
getPrimaryGroup() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedMetaData
Gets the name of the holders primary group.
getPrimaryGroup() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.user.User
Gets the users current primary group.
getPriority() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.ChatMetaNode
Gets the priority.
getQueryOptions() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedData
Gets the query options this container is holding data for.
getQueryOptions() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.PermissionHolder
Gets the most appropriate query options available at the time for the PermissionHolder.
getQueryOptions(Object) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextManager
Obtains current QueryOptions for the subject.
getQueryOptions(User) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextManager
Obtains current QueryOptions for the given User.
getQueryOptions(T) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.platform.PlayerAdapter
Gets current active query options for the player.
getQueryOptionsRegistry() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.LuckPerms
getResult() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.player.PlayerDataSaveEvent
Gets the result of the operation.
getResult() - Method in interface
Gets the underlying result.
getServerName() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.LuckPerms
Gets the name of this server.
getSource() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.Action
Gets the source of the action.
getSource() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.type.Sourced
Gets the events source.
getStartSpacer() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.metastacking.MetaStackDefinition
Gets the spacer string added before any stack elements
getStartTime() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.platform.Platform
Gets the time when the plugin first started.
getStateAfter() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.track.mutate.TrackMutateEvent
Gets an immutable copy of the tracks data after the change
getStateBefore() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.track.mutate.TrackMutateEvent
Gets an immutable copy of the tracks data before the change
getStaticContext() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextManager
Gets the contexts from the static calculators in this manager.
getStaticQueryOptions() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextManager
Gets the static query options, using the registered static context calculators.
getStatus() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.DemotionResult
Gets the status of the result.
getStatus() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.PromotionResult
Gets the status of the result.
getSubject() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.context.ContextUpdateEvent
Gets the subject whose contexts were updated.
getSubject(Class<T>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.context.ContextUpdateEvent
Gets the subject whose contexts were updated, casted to a given type.
getSubscriptions(Class<T>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.EventBus
Gets a set of all registered handlers for a given event.
getSuffix() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedMetaData
Gets the suffix.
getSuffixes() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedMetaData
Gets a sorted map of all accumulated suffixes.
getSuffixStackDefinition() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedMetaData
Gets the definition used for the suffix stack.
getSyncId() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.sync.PreNetworkSyncEvent
Gets the ID of the sync request
getTarget() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.Action
Gets the target of the action.
getTarget() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.node.NodeMutateEvent
Gets the target of the event
getTimestamp() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.Action
Gets the time when the action occurred.
getTrack() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.track.mutate.TrackMutateEvent
Gets the track that was mutated
getTrack() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.track.TrackCreateEvent
Gets the new track
getTrack() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.track.TrackLoadEvent
Gets the track that was loaded
getTrack() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.user.track.UserTrackEvent
Gets the track involved in the event
getTrack(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.TrackManager
Gets a loaded track.
getTrackHistory(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.ActionLog
Gets the log content for a given track
getTrackManager() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.LuckPerms
Gets the TrackManager, responsible for managing Track instances.
getTrackName() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.track.TrackDeleteEvent
Gets the name of the deleted track
getType() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.Action.Target
Gets the target type.
getType() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.player.lookup.UniqueIdDetermineTypeEvent
Gets the current result unique id type.
getType() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.source.Source
Gets the source type
getType() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.PermissionHolder.Identifier
Gets the type of the PermissionHolder.
getType() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.Node
Gets the type of the node.
getType() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.ScopedNode
getType() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.DisplayNameNode
getType() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.InheritanceNode
getType() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.MetaNode
getType() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.PermissionNode
getType() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.PrefixNode
getType() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.RegexPermissionNode
getType() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.SuffixNode
getType() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.WeightNode
getType() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.platform.Platform
Gets the type of platform LuckPerms is running on
getType() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.platform.PlatformEntity
Gets the entities type.
getTypeFilter(PermissionHolder.Identifier) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder.DataTypeFilterFunction
Gets the DataTypeFilter predicate for the given holder identifier.
getUniqueConnections() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.platform.Platform
Gets the unique players which have connected to the server since it started.
getUniqueId() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.Action.Source
Gets the source unique id.
getUniqueId() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.Action.Target
Gets the target unique id.
getUniqueId() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.player.lookup.UniqueIdDetermineTypeEvent
Gets the unique id being queried.
getUniqueId() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.player.lookup.UsernameLookupEvent
Gets the unique id being looked up.
getUniqueId() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.player.PlayerDataSaveEvent
Gets the unique ID that was saved.
getUniqueId() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.player.PlayerLoginProcessEvent
Gets the UUID of the connection which was processed
getUniqueId() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.user.UserFirstLoginEvent
Gets the UUID of the user
getUniqueId() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.user.User
Gets the users unique ID
getUniqueId() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.platform.PlatformEntity
Gets the unique id of the entity, if it has one.
getUniqueUsers() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.user.UserManager
Gets a set all "unique" user UUIDs.
getUser() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.player.PlayerLoginProcessEvent
Gets the resultant User instance which was loaded.
getUser() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.user.track.UserTrackEvent
Gets the user who was promoted or demoted
getUser() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.user.UserCacheLoadEvent
Gets the user whose data was loaded
getUser() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.user.UserDataRecalculateEvent
Gets the user whose data was recalculated
getUser() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.user.UserLoadEvent
Gets the user that was loaded
getUser() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.user.UserUnloadEvent
Gets the user that is being unloaded
getUser(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.user.UserManager
Gets a loaded user.
getUser(UUID) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.user.UserManager
Gets a loaded user.
getUser(T) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.platform.PlayerAdapter
Gets the User instance for the given player.
getUserHistory(UUID) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.ActionLog
Gets the log content for a given user
getUserManager() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.LuckPerms
Gets the UserManager, responsible for managing User instances.
getUsername() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.player.lookup.UniqueIdLookupEvent
Gets the username being looked up.
getUsername() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.player.lookup.UsernameValidityCheckEvent
Gets the username being tested.
getUsername() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.player.PlayerDataSaveEvent
Gets the username that was saved.
getUsername() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.player.PlayerLoginProcessEvent
Gets the username of the connection which was processed
getUsername() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.user.UserFirstLoginEvent
Gets the username of the user
getUsername() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.user.User
Gets the users username
getUserUniqueId() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.messenger.message.type.UserUpdateMessage
Gets the user the message is for.
getValue() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.Context
Gets the context value
getValue() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.Node
Gets the value of the node.
getValues(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSet
Returns a Set of the values mapped to the given key.
getVersion() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.platform.PluginMetadata
Gets the plugin version
getWeight() - Method in interface
Gets the weight of this group, if present.
getWeight() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.WeightNode
Gets the weight value.
getWildcardLevel() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.PermissionNode
Gets the level of this wildcard.
getWithPermission(String) - Method in interface
getWithPermission(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.user.UserManager
group(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.InheritanceNode.Builder
Sets the name of the group to inherit.
group(Group) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.InheritanceNode.Builder
Sets the group to inherit.
Group - Interface in
An inheritable holder of permission data.
GROUP - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.actionlog.Action.Target.Type
GROUP_TYPE - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.model.PermissionHolder.Identifier
The type of Group permission holders.
GroupCacheLoadEvent - Interface in
Called when a groups CachedDataManager is loaded.
GroupCreateEvent - Interface in
Called when a group is created
GroupDataRecalculateEvent - Interface in
Called when a groups cached data is refreshed
GroupDeleteEvent - Interface in
Called when a group is deleted
GroupLoadAllEvent - Interface in
Called when all groups have been loaded in from storage.
GroupLoadEvent - Interface in
Called when a group is loaded into memory from the storage.
GroupManager - Interface in
Represents the object responsible for managing Group instances.


hasExpired() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.Node
Gets if the node has expired.
hasExpiry() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.Node
Gets if this node is assigned temporarily.
hasResult() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.type.ResultEvent
Gets if a result has been set for the event.
HeldNode<T> - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node
The only usages of this interface are also deprecated.


IGNORE_EXPIRY_TIME - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeEqualityPredicate
All attributes must match, except for the expiry time, which is ignored.
IGNORE_EXPIRY_TIME_AND_VALUE - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeEqualityPredicate
All attributes must match, except for value and the expiry time, which are ignored.
IGNORE_VALUE - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeEqualityPredicate
All attributes must match, except for value, which is ignored.
IGNORE_VALUE_OR_IF_TEMPORARY - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeEqualityPredicate
All attributes must match, except for value and the if the node has an expiry, which are ignored.
immutableBuilder() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSetFactory
ImmutableContextSet - Interface in net.luckperms.api.context
An immutable implementation of ContextSet.
ImmutableContextSet.Builder - Interface in net.luckperms.api.context
A builder for ImmutableContextSet.
immutableCopy() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSet
Returns an immutable representation of this ContextSet.
immutableCopy() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ImmutableContextSet
This context set is already immutable!
immutableEmpty() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSetFactory
immutableOf(String, String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSetFactory
INCLUDE_NODES_WITHOUT_SERVER_CONTEXT - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.Flag
If global or non-server-specific nodes should be applied
INCLUDE_NODES_WITHOUT_WORLD_CONTEXT - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.Flag
If global or non-world-specific nodes should be applied
includes(PlayerSaveResult.Outcome) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.PlayerSaveResult
Gets if the result includes a certain outcome.
IncomingMessageConsumer - Interface in net.luckperms.api.messenger
Encapsulates the LuckPerms system which accepts incoming Messages from implementations of Messenger.
INHERITANCE - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeType
Node type for InheritanceNode.
InheritanceNode - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node.types
A sub-type of Node used to mark that the holder of the node should inherit from another group.
InheritanceNode.Builder - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node.types
A InheritanceNode builder.
InheritanceOriginMetadata - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node.metadata.types
Node metadata indicating where a node was inherited from.
insertGroup(Group, int) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.Track
Inserts a group at a certain position on this track
INTERNAL - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.cause.CreationCause
The creation was caused by a LuckPerms internal
INTERNAL - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.cause.DeletionCause
The deletion was caused by a LuckPerms internal
invalidate() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedDataManager.Container
Invalidates all cached data instances.
invalidate() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedDataManager
Invalidates all cached CachedPermissionData and CachedMetaData instances.
invalidate(QueryOptions) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedDataManager.Container
Invalidates any cached data instances mapped to the given context.
invalidateCache() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedPermissionData
Invalidates the underlying permission calculator cache.
invalidateCache(Object) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextManager
invalidatePermissionCalculators() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedDataManager
Invalidates all underlying permission calculators.
isActive() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.EventSubscription
Returns true if this handler is active
isCancelled() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.type.Cancellable
Returns true if the event is currently cancelled.
isEmpty() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSet
Returns if the ContextSet is empty.
isGroup() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.node.NodeMutateEvent
Gets whether the target of this event is a Group
isImmutable() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSet
Gets if this ContextSet is immutable.
isLoaded(String) - Method in interface
Check if a group is loaded in memory
isLoaded(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.TrackManager
Check if a track is loaded in memory
isLoaded(UUID) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.user.UserManager
Check if a user is loaded in memory
isNegated() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.Node
Gets if the node is negated.
isNotCancelled() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.type.Cancellable
Returns true if the event is not currently cancelled.
isSatisfiedBy(ContextSet) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSet
Returns if this ContextSet is "satisfied" by another set.
isSatisfiedBy(ContextSet, ContextSatisfyMode) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSet
Returns if this ContextSet is "satisfied" by another set, according to the given mode.
isUser() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.node.NodeMutateEvent
Gets whether the target of this event is a User
isValid() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.player.lookup.UsernameValidityCheckEvent
Gets if the username is currently considered to be valid.
isValidKey(String) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.Context
Tests whether key is valid.
isValidValue(String) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.Context
Tests whether value is valid.
isWildcard() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.PermissionNode
Gets if this node is a wildcard permission.
iterator() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSet
Returns an Iterator over each of the context pairs in this set.


key(String) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.matcher.NodeMatcher
Gets a NodeMatcher which matches nodes with the same key.
key(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.matcher.NodeMatcherFactory
Gets a NodeMatcher which matches nodes with the same key.
key(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.MetaNode.Builder
Sets the meta key.
key(T) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.matcher.NodeMatcher
Gets a NodeMatcher which matches nodes with the same key.
key(T) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.matcher.NodeMatcherFactory
Gets a NodeMatcher which matches nodes with the same key.
KEY - Static variable in enum class net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSatisfyMode
KEY - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.node.metadata.types.InheritanceOriginMetadata
KEY - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder.DataQueryOrderFunction
KEY - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder.DataTypeFilterFunction
KEY - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.query.meta.MetaValueSelector
keyStartsWith(String) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.matcher.NodeMatcher
Gets a NodeMatcher which matches nodes with a key starting with the given string.
keyStartsWith(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.matcher.NodeMatcherFactory
Gets a NodeMatcher which matches nodes with a key starting with the given string.


LAST_ONLY - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.metastacking.DuplicateRemovalFunction
A DuplicateRemovalFunction that retains only the last occurrence.
load() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.extension.Extension
Loads the extension.
loadAllGroups() - Method in interface
Loads all groups into memory.
loadAllTracks() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.TrackManager
Loads all tracks into memory.
loadExtension(Path) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.extension.ExtensionManager
Loads the extension at the given path.
loadExtension(Extension) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.extension.ExtensionManager
Loads the given extension.
loadGroup(String) - Method in interface
Loads a group from the plugin's storage provider into memory.
loadTrack(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.TrackManager
Loads a track from the plugin's storage provider into memory.
loadUser(UUID) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.user.UserManager
Loads a user from the plugin's storage provider into memory.
loadUser(UUID, String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.user.UserManager
Loads a user from the plugin's storage provider into memory.
LOCAL - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.log.LogBroadcastEvent.Origin
Marks a log entry which originated from the current server instance
LOCAL - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.log.LogNotifyEvent.Origin
Marks a log entry which originated from the current server instance
LOCAL_API - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.log.LogBroadcastEvent.Origin
Marks a log entry which originated from an API call on the current server instance
LOCAL_API - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.log.LogNotifyEvent.Origin
Marks a log entry which originated from an API call on the current server instance
LogBroadcastEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.log
Called when a log entry is about to be sent to notifiable players on the platform
LogBroadcastEvent.Origin - Enum Class in net.luckperms.api.event.log
Represents where a log entry is from
LogNetworkPublishEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.log
Called when a log is about to be published to the network via the MessagingService
LogNotifyEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.log
Called when a log entry is about to be sent to specific notifiable object on the platform.
LogNotifyEvent.Origin - Enum Class in net.luckperms.api.event.log
Represents where a log entry is from
LogPublishEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.log
Called when a log is about to be published to the storage file/table
LogReceiveEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.log
Called when a log entry is received via the MessagingService
lookupUniqueId(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.user.UserManager
Uses the LuckPerms cache to find a uuid for the given username.
lookupUsername(UUID) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.user.UserManager
Uses the LuckPerms cache to find a username for the given uuid.
LuckPerms - Interface in net.luckperms.api
The LuckPerms API.
LuckPermsEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event
A superinterface for all LuckPerms events.
LuckPermsProvider - Class in net.luckperms.api
Provides static access to the LuckPerms API.


MALFORMED_TRACK - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.track.DemotionResult.Status
Indicates that the previous group in the track no longer exists.
MALFORMED_TRACK - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.track.PromotionResult.Status
Indicates that the next group in the track no longer exists.
matches(Node) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeType
Returns if the passed node matches the type
Message - Interface in net.luckperms.api.messenger.message
Represents a message sent received via a Messenger.
MessagingService - Interface in net.luckperms.api.messaging
A means to push changes to other servers using the platforms networking
Messenger - Interface in net.luckperms.api.messenger
Represents an object which dispatches OutgoingMessages.
MessengerProvider - Interface in net.luckperms.api.messenger
Represents a provider for Messenger instances.
META - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeType
Node type for MetaNode.
META_OR_CHAT_META - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeType
Node type for ChatMetaNode or MetaNode.
metadata(NodeMetadataKey<T>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.Node
Gets the metadata corresponding to the given key, throwing an exception if no data is present.
metaData() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedDataManager
Gets the manager for CachedMetaData.
metaKey(String) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.matcher.NodeMatcher
Gets a NodeMatcher which matches MetaNodes with the same meta key.
metaKey(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.matcher.NodeMatcherFactory
Gets a NodeMatcher which matches MetaNodes with the same meta key.
metaKey(MetaNode) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.matcher.NodeMatcher
Gets a NodeMatcher which matches MetaNodes with the same meta key.
MetaNode - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node.types
A sub-type of Node used to store meta assignments.
MetaNode.Builder - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node.types
A MetaNode builder.
MetaStackDefinition - Interface in net.luckperms.api.metastacking
Represents a meta stack model, consisting of a chain of elements, separated by spacers.
MetaStackElement - Interface in net.luckperms.api.metastacking
Represents an element within a MetaStackDefinition.
MetaStackFactory - Interface in net.luckperms.api.metastacking
Factory to create meta stack elements and definitions.
MetaValueSelector - Interface in net.luckperms.api.query.meta
A function that selects the meta value to be used in queries against a given meta key.
mode() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.QueryOptions
Gets the QueryMode.
mode(QueryMode) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.QueryOptions.Builder
Sets the QueryMode.
modifyGroup(String, Consumer<? super Group>) - Method in interface
Loads (or creates) a group from the plugin's storage provider, applies the given action, then saves the group's data back to storage.
modifyUser(UUID, Consumer<? super User>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.user.UserManager
Loads a user from the plugin's storage provider, applies the given action, then saves the user's data back to storage.
mutable() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSetFactory
MutableContextSet - Interface in net.luckperms.api.context
A mutable implementation of ContextSet.
mutableCopy() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSet
Creates a mutable copy of this ContextSet.


name() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.metadata.NodeMetadataKey
Gets a name describing the key type.
name() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeType
Gets a name for the node type.
name() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.OptionKey
Gets a name describing the key type.
negated(boolean) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeBuilder
Sets the value of negated for the node.
net.luckperms.api - package net.luckperms.api
Main package for the LuckPerms API interface.
net.luckperms.api.actionlog - package net.luckperms.api.actionlog
ActionLog related functionality.
net.luckperms.api.cacheddata - package net.luckperms.api.cacheddata
Caches permission checks and meta lookups for Users and Groups.
net.luckperms.api.context - package net.luckperms.api.context
Context functionality, including ContextSets and ContextCalculators.
net.luckperms.api.event - package net.luckperms.api.event
Main events package.
net.luckperms.api.event.cause - package net.luckperms.api.event.cause
Event causes.
net.luckperms.api.event.context - package net.luckperms.api.event.context
Events relating to Contexts.
net.luckperms.api.event.extension - package net.luckperms.api.event.extension
Events relating to Extensions. - package
Events relating to Groups.
net.luckperms.api.event.log - package net.luckperms.api.event.log
Events relating to the ActionLog.
net.luckperms.api.event.node - package net.luckperms.api.event.node
Events relating to changes to a User or Groups NodeMap.
net.luckperms.api.event.player - package net.luckperms.api.event.player
Events relating to a player.
net.luckperms.api.event.player.lookup - package net.luckperms.api.event.player.lookup
Events relating to a player unique id or username lookup.
net.luckperms.api.event.source - package net.luckperms.api.event.source
Event sources.
net.luckperms.api.event.sync - package net.luckperms.api.event.sync
Events relating to sync/update tasks.
net.luckperms.api.event.track - package net.luckperms.api.event.track
Events relating to Tracks.
net.luckperms.api.event.track.mutate - package net.luckperms.api.event.track.mutate
Events relating to changes to a Tracks contents.
net.luckperms.api.event.type - package net.luckperms.api.event.type
Event abstract types.
net.luckperms.api.event.user - package net.luckperms.api.event.user
Events relating to Users.
net.luckperms.api.event.user.track - package net.luckperms.api.event.user.track
Events relating to a Users movement on a Track.
net.luckperms.api.event.util - package net.luckperms.api.event.util
Event utilities.
net.luckperms.api.extension - package net.luckperms.api.extension
Extensions functionality.
net.luckperms.api.messaging - package net.luckperms.api.messaging
MessagingService functionality.
net.luckperms.api.messenger - package net.luckperms.api.messenger
Messenger provider API.
net.luckperms.api.messenger.message - package net.luckperms.api.messenger.message
Messenger message abstract types.
net.luckperms.api.messenger.message.type - package net.luckperms.api.messenger.message.type
Messenger message actual types.
net.luckperms.api.metastacking - package net.luckperms.api.metastacking
Meta stacking functionality.
net.luckperms.api.model - package net.luckperms.api.model
Main package for PermissionHolders (Users and Groups) and their corresponding data. - package - package
Group data model and functionality.
net.luckperms.api.model.user - package net.luckperms.api.model.user
User data model and functionality.
net.luckperms.api.node - package net.luckperms.api.node
Node functionality.
net.luckperms.api.node.matcher - package net.luckperms.api.node.matcher
Node matchers.
net.luckperms.api.node.metadata - package net.luckperms.api.node.metadata
Node metadata.
net.luckperms.api.node.metadata.types - package net.luckperms.api.node.metadata.types
Node metadata types.
net.luckperms.api.node.types - package net.luckperms.api.node.types
Node types.
net.luckperms.api.platform - package net.luckperms.api.platform
Platform specific information and utilities.
net.luckperms.api.query - package net.luckperms.api.query
QueryOptions functionality.
net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder - package net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder
QueryOptions data order and filter customization.
net.luckperms.api.query.meta - package net.luckperms.api.query.meta
QueryOptions meta customization.
net.luckperms.api.track - package net.luckperms.api.track
Track data model and functionality.
net.luckperms.api.util - package net.luckperms.api.util
Miscellaneous utilities and classes that don't fit into any package.
NO_CHANGE - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.model.PlayerSaveResult.Outcome
There was existing data for the player, no change was needed.
node() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.Result
Gets the node that caused the result.
Node - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node
Represents a LuckPerms "node".
NodeAddEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.node
Called when a node is added to a holder
NodeBuilder<N extends ScopedNode<N,B>,B extends NodeBuilder<N,B>> - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node
Builder for Nodes.
NodeBuilderRegistry - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node
A registry of methods for obtaining NodeBuilders for the various node types.
NodeClearEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.node
Called when a holder has their nodes cleared
NodeEqualityPredicate - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node
An equality test for determining if two nodes are to be considered equal.
NodeMap - Interface in
Encapsulates a store of data (Nodes) within a PermissionHolder.
NodeMatcher<T extends Node> - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node.matcher
A predicate which matches certain Nodes.
NodeMatcherFactory - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node.matcher
A factory which creates NodeMatchers.
NodeMetadataKey<T> - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node.metadata
Represents a key for a specific type of node metadata.
NodeMutateEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.node
Called when a node is added to/removed from a user/group
NodeRemoveEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.node
Called when a node is removed from a holder
nodeType() - Method in enum class net.luckperms.api.node.ChatMetaType
Gets the NodeType for the ChatMetaType.
NodeType<T extends Node> - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node
Represents a type of Node.
NON_CONTEXTUAL - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.QueryMode
Non-contextual query.
nonContextual() - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.QueryOptions
Gets the default non contextual query options.
nonContextual(Set<Flag>) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.QueryOptions
Creates a non contextual QueryOptions instance with the given flags.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
The operation will fail if an existing temporary node is present.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder.DataTypeFilter
A data type filter indicating that no DataTypes should be used.
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class
Normal data.
NORMAL_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder.DataTypeFilter
A data type filter indicating that only DataType.NORMAL should be used.
NOT_ON_TRACK - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.track.DemotionResult.Status
Indicates that the user isn't a member of any of the groups on this track.
NUKKIT - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.platform.Platform.Type


obtain(IncomingMessageConsumer) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.messenger.MessengerProvider
Creates and returns a new Messenger instance, which passes incoming messages to the provided IncomingMessageConsumer.
of(boolean) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.util.Tristate
Returns a Tristate from a boolean
of(String, Class<T>) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.metadata.NodeMetadataKey
Creates a new NodeMetadataKey for the given name and type.
of(String, Class<T>) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.OptionKey
Creates a new NodeMetadataKey for the given name and type.
of(String, String) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ImmutableContextSet
Creates an ImmutableContextSet from a context pair.
of(String, String) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.MutableContextSet
Creates a MutableContextSet from a context pair.
of(Boolean) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.util.Tristate
Returns a Tristate from a nullable boolean.
ONLY_KEY - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeEqualityPredicate
Only the keys need match, all other attributes are ignored.
option(OptionKey<O>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.QueryOptions
Gets the value assigned to the given OptionKey.
option(OptionKey<O>, O) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.QueryOptions.Builder
Sets the value of the given option.
OptionKey<T> - Interface in net.luckperms.api.query
Represents a key for a custom option defined in QueryOptions.
options() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.QueryOptions
Gets the options which are set.
order(Comparator<? super DataType>) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder.DataQueryOrder
Gets a List of all DataTypes, in order of greatest to least, as defined by the comparator.
OTHER_UNIQUE_IDS_PRESENT_FOR_USERNAME - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.model.PlayerSaveResult.Outcome
There was already a record for the username saved, but it was under a different uuid.
OutgoingMessage - Interface in net.luckperms.api.messenger.message
Represents an outgoing Message.


Param - Annotation Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.util
Represents the position of a parameter within an event.
pattern(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.RegexPermissionNode.Builder
Sets the pattern.
pattern(Pattern) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.RegexPermissionNode.Builder
Sets the pattern.
permission(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.PermissionNode.Builder
Sets the permission.
PERMISSION - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeType
Node type for PermissionNode.
permissionData() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedDataManager
Gets the manager for CachedPermissionData.
PermissionHolder - Interface in net.luckperms.api.model
Generic superinterface for an object which holds permissions.
PermissionHolder.Identifier - Interface in net.luckperms.api.model
Represents a way to identify distinct PermissionHolders.
PermissionNode - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node.types
A sub-type of Node representing basic permissions.
PermissionNode.Builder - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node.types
A PermissionNode builder.
Platform - Interface in net.luckperms.api.platform
Provides information about the platform LuckPerms is running on.
Platform.Type - Enum Class in net.luckperms.api.platform
Represents a type of platform which LuckPerms can run on.
PlatformEntity - Interface in net.luckperms.api.platform
Represents an entity on the server.
PlatformEntity.Type - Enum Class in net.luckperms.api.platform
The different types of PlatformEntity
PLAYER - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.platform.PlatformEntity.Type
Represents a player connected to the server
PlayerAdapter<T> - Interface in net.luckperms.api.platform
A utility class for adapting platform Player instances to LuckPerms Users.
PlayerDataSaveEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.player
Called when player data is saved to the storage.
PlayerLoginProcessEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.player
Called when LuckPerms has finished processing a Player's initial connection.
PlayerSaveResult - Interface in net.luckperms.api.model
Encapsulates the result of an operation to save uuid data about a player.
PlayerSaveResult.Outcome - Enum Class in net.luckperms.api.model
The various states the result can take
PluginMetadata - Interface in net.luckperms.api.platform
Provides information about the LuckPerms plugin.
PostSyncEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.sync
Called when an sync task has been completed
predicate() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeType
Returns a Predicate, returning whether a Node matches this type.
predicate(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeType
Returns a Predicate, returning whether a Node matches this type, and passes the given and Predicate.
prefix(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.PrefixNode.Builder
Sets the prefix.
PREFIX - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.node.ChatMetaType
Represents a prefix
PREFIX - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeType
Node type for PrefixNode.
PREFIX_STACK_KEY - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.metastacking.MetaStackDefinition
The OptionKey for the prefix MetaStackDefinition.
PrefixNode - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node.types
A sub-type of Node used to store prefix assignments.
PrefixNode.Builder - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node.types
A PrefixNode builder.
PreNetworkSyncEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.sync
Called before a received network sync task runs
PreSyncEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.sync
Called before a sync task runs
priority(int) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.ChatMetaNode.Builder
Sets the priority.
processDuplicates(List<T>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.metastacking.DuplicateRemovalFunction
Removes duplicates from the given list, according to the behaviour of the function.
promote(User, ContextSet) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.Track
Promotes the given user along this track.
PROMOTION - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.user.track.TrackAction
The user was promoted up a track
PromotionResult - Interface in net.luckperms.api.track
Encapsulates the result of Users promotion along a Track.
PromotionResult.Status - Enum Class in net.luckperms.api.track
The result status
pushUpdate() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.messaging.MessagingService
Uses the messaging service to inform other servers about a general change.
pushUserUpdate(User) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.messaging.MessagingService
Uses the messaging service to inform other servers about a change to a specific user.


queryInOrder(Comparator<? super DataType>, Consumer<? super DataType>) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder.DataQueryOrder
Calls the action Consumer for each DataType, in the order defined by the comparator.
queryMetaValue(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedMetaData
Query a meta value for the given key.
QueryMode - Enum Class in net.luckperms.api.query
Represents the type of query associated with a given QueryOptions.
QueryOptions - Interface in net.luckperms.api.query
Represents the parameters for a lookup query.
QueryOptions.Builder - Interface in net.luckperms.api.query
Builder for QueryOptions.
queryOptionsBuilder(QueryMode) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextManager
Creates a new QueryOptions.Builder.
QueryOptionsRegistry - Interface in net.luckperms.api.query
A registry providing useful QueryOptions instances.
queryPermission(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedPermissionData
Performs a permission check for the given permission node.
queryPrefix() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedMetaData
Query for a prefix.
querySuffix() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedMetaData
Query for a suffix.


recalculate() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedDataManager.Container
Recalculates data for all known contexts.
recalculate(QueryOptions) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedDataManager.Container
(Re)calculates data for a given context.
REGEX_PERMISSION - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeType
Node type for RegexPermissionNode.
RegexPermissionNode - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node.types
A sub-type of Node used to store regex permissions.
RegexPermissionNode.Builder - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node.types
registerCalculator(ContextCalculator<?>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextManager
Registers a context calculator with the manager.
registerMessengerProvider(MessengerProvider) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.LuckPerms
Registers a MessengerProvider for use by the platform.
reload() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedDataManager.Container
Reloads permission data for all known contexts.
reload(QueryOptions) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.CachedDataManager.Container
(Re)loads permission data for a given context.
REMOTE - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.log.LogBroadcastEvent.Origin
Marks a log entry which was sent to this server via the messaging service
REMOTE - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.log.LogNotifyEvent.Origin
Marks a log entry which was sent to this server via the messaging service
remove(String, String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.MutableContextSet
Removes a context from this set.
remove(Node) - Method in interface
Removes a node.
removeAll(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.MutableContextSet
Removes all contexts from this set with the given key.
REMOVED_FROM_FIRST_GROUP - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.track.DemotionResult.Status
Indicates that the user was removed from the first group in the track.
removeGroup(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.Track
Removes a group from this track
removeGroup(Group) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.Track
Removes a group from this track
REPLACE_EXISTING_IF_DURATION_LONGER - Enum constant in enum class
Expiry durations will be replaced if the new duration is longer than the current one.
RESOLVE_INHERITANCE - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.Flag
If parent groups should be resolved
resolveDistinctInheritedNodes(QueryOptions) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.PermissionHolder
Gets a resolved and sorted view of the holders own and inherited distinct Nodes.
resolveInheritedNodes(NodeType<T>, QueryOptions) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.PermissionHolder
Gets a resolved view of the holders own and inherited Nodes of a given type.
resolveInheritedNodes(QueryOptions) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.PermissionHolder
Gets a resolved view of the holders own and inherited Nodes.
resolveShorthand() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.Node
Resolves any shorthand parts of this node and returns the full list of resolved nodes.
result() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.cacheddata.Result
Gets the underlying result.
result() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.type.ResultEvent
Gets an AtomicReference containing the result.
Result<T,N extends Node> - Interface in net.luckperms.api.cacheddata
Represents the result of a cached data lookup.
Result - Interface in net.luckperms.api.util
Represents a generic result, which can either be successful or fail.
ResultEvent<T> - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.type
Represents an event that has a result.
RETAIN_ALL - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.metastacking.DuplicateRemovalFunction
A DuplicateRemovalFunction that does not remove duplicates.
runUpdateTask() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.LuckPerms
Schedules the execution of an update task, and returns an encapsulation of the task as a CompletableFuture.


satisfies(ContextSet) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.QueryOptions
Gets whether this QueryOptions satisfies the given required context.
satisfies(ContextSet, ContextSatisfyMode) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.QueryOptions
Gets whether this QueryOptions satisfies the given required context.
saveGroup(Group) - Method in interface
Saves a group's data back to the plugin's storage provider.
savePlayerData(UUID, String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.user.UserManager
Saves data about a player to the uuid caching system.
saveTrack(Track) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.TrackManager
Saves a track's data back to the plugin's storage provider.
saveUser(User) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.user.UserManager
Saves a user's data back to the plugin's storage provider.
ScopedNode<N extends ScopedNode<N,B>,B extends NodeBuilder<N,B>> - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node
A Node, with its own type and the type of its associated builder defined as a type parameter.
searchAll(NodeMatcher<? extends T>) - Method in interface
Searches the normal node maps of all known Groups for Node entries matching the given matcher.
searchAll(NodeMatcher<? extends T>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.user.UserManager
Searches the normal node maps of all known Users for Node entries matching the given matcher.
selectValue(String, List<? extends Result<String, MetaNode>>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.meta.MetaValueSelector
Selects the meta value to map to the given key.
sendOutgoingMessage(OutgoingMessage) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.messenger.Messenger
Performs the necessary action to dispatch the message using the means of the messenger.
SERVER_KEY - Static variable in class net.luckperms.api.context.DefaultContextKeys
The context key used to denote the name of the subjects server.
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.type.Cancellable
Sets the cancellation state of the event.
setPrimaryGroup(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.user.User
Sets a users primary group.
setType(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.player.lookup.UniqueIdDetermineTypeEvent
Sets the result unique id type.
setUniqueId(UUID) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.player.lookup.UniqueIdLookupEvent
Sets the result unique id.
setUsername(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.player.lookup.UsernameLookupEvent
Sets the result username.
setValid(boolean) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.player.lookup.UsernameValidityCheckEvent
Sets if the username should be considered valid or not.
shouldAccumulate(ChatMetaType, ChatMetaNode<?, ?>, ChatMetaNode<?, ?>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.metastacking.MetaStackElement
Returns if the given node should be accumulated onto the stack.
signalContextUpdate(Object) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextManager
Signal to the ContextManager that a subjects current contexts have changed.
size() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSet
Gets the number of context pairs in the ContextSet.
source(UUID) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.Action.Builder
Sets the actor of the entry.
Source - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.source
Represents the source of an event.
Source.Type - Enum Class in net.luckperms.api.event.source
Represents a type of source
Sourced - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.type
Represents an event with a Source.
sourceName(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.Action.Builder
Sets the actor name of the entry.
SPONGE - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.platform.Platform.Type
StaticContextCalculator - Interface in net.luckperms.api.context
Extension of ContextCalculator which provides the same context regardless of the subject.
submit(Action) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.ActionLogger
Submits a log entry to the plugin to be handled.
submitToStorage(Action) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.ActionLogger
Submits a log entry to the plugins storage handler.
subscribe(Class<T>, Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.EventBus
Registers a new subscription to the given event.
subscribe(Object, Class<T>, Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.EventBus
Registers a new subscription to the given event.
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class
Indicates the mutation was a success
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.track.DemotionResult.Status
Indicates that the user was demoted normally.
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.track.PromotionResult.Status
Indicates that the user was promoted normally.
suffix(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.SuffixNode.Builder
Sets the suffix.
SUFFIX - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.node.ChatMetaType
Represents a suffix
SUFFIX - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeType
Node type for SuffixNode.
SUFFIX_STACK_KEY - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.metastacking.MetaStackDefinition
The OptionKey for the suffix MetaStackDefinition.
SuffixNode - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node.types
A sub-type of Node used to store suffix assignments.
SuffixNode.Builder - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node.types
A SuffixNode builder.


target(UUID) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.Action.Builder
Sets the acted object for the entry.
targetName(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.Action.Builder
Sets the acted name for the entry.
targetType(Action.Target.Type) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.Action.Builder
Sets the type of the entry.
TemporaryNodeMergeStrategy - Enum Class in
Controls how the implementation should behave when new temporary nodes are set that would otherwise conflict with existing entries.
test(Node) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.matcher.NodeMatcher
Tests to see if the given Node matches.
timestamp(Instant) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.actionlog.Action.Builder
Sets the timestamp of the entry.
toBuilder() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.Node
Gets a NodeBuilder, with the attributes of this node already applied.
toBuilder() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.ScopedNode
toBuilder() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.QueryOptions
Converts this QueryOptions to a mutable builder.
toCollection() - Method in interface
Gets a flattened view of Nodes contained within this instance.
toFlattenedMap() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSet
Deprecated because the returned map may not contain all data in the ContextSet
toMap() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSet
Returns a Map representing the current state of this ContextSet.
toMap() - Method in interface
Gets a map of the Nodes contained within this instance, mapped to their defined context.
toSet() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSet
Returns a Set of Contexts representing the current state of this ContextSet.
toString() - Method in enum class net.luckperms.api.node.ChatMetaType
Track - Interface in net.luckperms.api.track
An ordered chain of Groups.
TRACK - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.actionlog.Action.Target.Type
TrackAction - Enum Class in net.luckperms.api.event.user.track
Represents the type of action performed in a UserTrackEvent
TrackAddGroupEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.track.mutate
Called when a group is added to a track
TrackClearEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.track.mutate
Called when a track is cleared
TrackCreateEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.track
Called when a track is created
TrackDeleteEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.track
Called when a track is deleted
TrackLoadAllEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.track
Called when all tracks have been loaded in from storage.
TrackLoadEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.track
Called when a track is loaded into memory from the storage.
TrackManager - Interface in net.luckperms.api.track
Represents the object responsible for managing Track instances.
TrackMutateEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.track.mutate
Called when a track is changed
TrackRemoveGroupEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.track.mutate
Called when a group is removed from a track
TRANSIENT - Enum constant in enum class
Data which expires automatically at the end of a session.
TRANSIENT_FIRST - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder.DataQueryOrder
A data query order indicating that DataType.TRANSIENT should be queried first.
TRANSIENT_LAST - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder.DataQueryOrder
A data query order indicating that DataType.TRANSIENT should be queried last.
TRANSIENT_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder.DataTypeFilter
A data type filter indicating that only DataType.TRANSIENT should be used.
transientData() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.model.PermissionHolder
Gets the holders DataType.TRANSIENT data.
Tristate - Enum Class in net.luckperms.api.util
Represents three different states of a setting.
TRUE - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.util.Tristate
A value indicating a positive setting
tryCast(Node) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeType
Attempts to cast the given Node to the type defined by the NodeType.
type() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.metadata.NodeMetadataKey
Gets the type of the key
type() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.query.OptionKey
Gets the type of the key
type(NodeType<? extends T>) - Static method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.matcher.NodeMatcher
Gets a NodeMatcher which matches Nodes with the same type as the given NodeType.
type(NodeType<? extends T>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.matcher.NodeMatcherFactory
Gets a NodeMatcher which matches Nodes with the same type as the given NodeType.
TYPE_AUTHENTICATED - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.event.player.lookup.UniqueIdDetermineTypeEvent
The players UUID has been obtained by authenticating with the Mojang session servers.
TYPE_NPC - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.event.player.lookup.UniqueIdDetermineTypeEvent
The players UUID most likely belongs to a NPC (non-player character).
TYPE_UNAUTHENTICATED - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.event.player.lookup.UniqueIdDetermineTypeEvent
The players UUID has not been obtained through authentication, and instead is likely based on the username they connected with.
TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.event.player.lookup.UniqueIdDetermineTypeEvent
Unknown UUID type.


UNDEFINED - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.util.Tristate
A value indicating a non-existent setting
UNDEFINED_FAILURE - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.track.DemotionResult.Status
An undefined failure occurred.
UNDEFINED_FAILURE - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.track.PromotionResult.Status
An undefined failure occurred.
UniqueIdDetermineTypeEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.player.lookup
Called when the platform needs to determine the type of a player's unique id.
UniqueIdLookupEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.player.lookup
Called when the platform needs a unique id for a given username.
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.source.Source.Type
Represents an unknown source
unload() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.extension.Extension
Unloads the extension.
unregisterCalculator(ContextCalculator<?>) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.context.ContextManager
Unregisters a context calculator with the manager.
UpdateMessage - Interface in net.luckperms.api.messenger.message.type
Represents an "update" message.
User - Interface in net.luckperms.api.model.user
A player which holds permission data.
USER - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.actionlog.Action.Target.Type
USER_TYPE - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.model.PermissionHolder.Identifier
The type of User permission holders.
UserCacheLoadEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.user
Called when a users CachedDataManager is loaded.
UserDataRecalculateEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.user
Called when a users cached data is refreshed
UserDemoteEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.user.track
Called when a user is demoted down a track.
UserFirstLoginEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.user
Called when the user logs into the network for the first time.
UserLoadEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.user
Called when a user is loaded into memory from the storage.
UserManager - Interface in net.luckperms.api.model.user
Represents the object responsible for managing User instances.
USERNAME_UPDATED - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.model.PlayerSaveResult.Outcome
There was already a record for the UUID saved, but it was for a different username.
UsernameLookupEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.player.lookup
Called when the platform needs a username for a given unique id.
UsernameValidityCheckEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.player.lookup
Called when the validity of a username is being tested.
UserPromoteEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.user.track
Called when a user is promoted up a track.
UserTrackEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.user.track
Called when a user interacts with a track through a promotion or demotion
UserUnloadEvent - Interface in net.luckperms.api.event.user
Called when a user is about to be unloaded from memory.
UserUpdateMessage - Interface in net.luckperms.api.messenger.message.type
Represents an "user update" message.


validityState() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.player.lookup.UsernameValidityCheckEvent
Gets the current validity state for the username.
value() - Element in annotation interface net.luckperms.api.event.util.Param
Gets the index of the parameter.
value(boolean) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeBuilder
Sets the value of the node.
value(String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.MetaNode.Builder
Sets the meta value.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.actionlog.Action.Target.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSatisfyMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.cause.CreationCause
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.cause.DeletionCause
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.log.LogBroadcastEvent.Origin
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.log.LogNotifyEvent.Origin
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.source.Source.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.user.track.TrackAction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.model.PlayerSaveResult.Outcome
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.node.ChatMetaType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.platform.Platform.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.platform.PlatformEntity.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder.DataQueryOrder
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder.DataTypeFilter
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.Flag
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.QueryMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.track.DemotionResult.Status
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.track.PromotionResult.Status
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.util.Tristate
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.actionlog.Action.Target.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.context.ContextSatisfyMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.cause.CreationCause
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.cause.DeletionCause
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.log.LogBroadcastEvent.Origin
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.log.LogNotifyEvent.Origin
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.source.Source.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.user.track.TrackAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.model.PlayerSaveResult.Outcome
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.node.ChatMetaType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.platform.Platform.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.platform.PlatformEntity.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder.DataQueryOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder.DataTypeFilter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.Flag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.QueryMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.track.DemotionResult.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.track.PromotionResult.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.util.Tristate
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values(Predicate<? super DataType>) - Static method in enum class net.luckperms.api.query.dataorder.DataTypeFilter
Gets a List of all DataTypes, filtered by the predicate.
VELOCITY - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.platform.Platform.Type


wasInherited(PermissionHolder.Identifier) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.metadata.types.InheritanceOriginMetadata
Gets whether the associated node was inherited from another holder.
wasSuccessful() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.event.player.PlayerLoginProcessEvent
Gets if the login was processed successfully.
wasSuccessful() - Method in enum class
wasSuccessful() - Method in enum class net.luckperms.api.track.DemotionResult.Status
wasSuccessful() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.DemotionResult
wasSuccessful() - Method in enum class net.luckperms.api.track.PromotionResult.Status
wasSuccessful() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.track.PromotionResult
wasSuccessful() - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.util.Result
Gets if the operation which produced this result completed successfully.
WEB_EDITOR - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.cause.CreationCause
The creation was caused by the web editor
WEB_EDITOR - Enum constant in enum class net.luckperms.api.event.cause.DeletionCause
The deletion was caused by the web editor
weight(int) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.types.WeightNode.Builder
Sets the weight.
WEIGHT - Static variable in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeType
Node type for WeightNode.
WeightNode - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node.types
A sub-type of Node used to mark the weight of the node's holder.
WeightNode.Builder - Interface in net.luckperms.api.node.types
A WeightNode builder.
withContext(String, String) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeBuilder
Appends an extra context onto the node.
withContext(ContextSet) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeBuilder
Appends extra contexts onto the node.
withMetadata(NodeMetadataKey<T>, T) - Method in interface net.luckperms.api.node.NodeBuilder
Sets the given metadata for the node.
WORLD_KEY - Static variable in class net.luckperms.api.context.DefaultContextKeys
The context key used to denote the name of the subjects world.
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