All Classes and Interfaces

Represents a logged action.
Builds an Action instance
Represents the source of an action.
Represents the target of an action.
Represents the type of a Action.Target.
Represents the internal LuckPerms log.
Represents the object responsible for handling action logging.
Represents an "action log" message.
Holds cached lookup data for a given set of query options.
Holds cached permission and meta lookup data for a PermissionHolder.
Manages a specific type of cached data within a CachedDataManager instance.
Holds cached meta lookup data for a specific set of contexts.
Holds cached permission lookup data for a specific set of contexts.
Represents an event that can be cancelled
Represents a chat meta node.
A ChatMetaNode builder.
Represents a type of chat meta
Called when the configuration is reloaded
Represents an individual context pair.
Calculates the contexts applicable for a contextual subject.
Functional interface that accepts context key value pairs.
Manages ContextCalculators, and calculates applicable contexts for a given type.
Mode for determining whether a ContextSet satisfies another.
A set of contexts.
A factory for creating ContextSets.
Called when a subject's current/active contexts are updated.
The cause of a group/track creation
Represents the result of a data mutation call on a LuckPerms object.
Extension of DataMutateResult for temporary set operations.
Represents the order in which to query different DataTypes.
A function that generates a DataQueryOrder comparator for PermissionHolders as required during inheritance.
Represents a type of data.
Represents which different DataTypes are used for a query.
A function that generates a DataTypeFilter predicate for PermissionHolders as required during inheritance.
Some default context keys used by the plugin.
The cause of a group/track deletion
Encapsulates the result of Users demotion along a Track.
The result status
A sub-type of Node used to mark the display name of the node's holder.
A DisplayNameNode builder.
Functional interface which removes duplicate entries from a list.
Represents an PlatformEntity which was the Source of something.
The LuckPerms event bus.
Represents a subscription to a LuckPermsEvent.
Represents a simple extension "plugin" for LuckPerms.
Called when an Extension is loaded.
Manages extensions.
The flags which can be set for a query.
An inheritable holder of permission data.
Called when a groups CachedDataManager is loaded.
Called when a group is created
Called when a groups cached data is refreshed
Called when a group is deleted
Called when all groups have been loaded in from storage.
Called when a group is loaded into memory from the storage.
Represents the object responsible for managing Group instances.
The only usages of this interface are also deprecated.
An immutable implementation of ContextSet.
A builder for ImmutableContextSet.
Encapsulates the LuckPerms system which accepts incoming Messages from implementations of Messenger.
A sub-type of Node used to mark that the holder of the node should inherit from another group.
A InheritanceNode builder.
Node metadata indicating where a node was inherited from.
Called when a log entry is about to be sent to notifiable players on the platform
Represents where a log entry is from
Called when a log is about to be published to the network via the MessagingService
Called when a log entry is about to be sent to specific notifiable object on the platform.
Represents where a log entry is from
Called when a log is about to be published to the storage file/table
Called when a log entry is received via the MessagingService
The LuckPerms API.
A superinterface for all LuckPerms events.
Provides static access to the LuckPerms API.
Represents a message sent received via a Messenger.
A means to push changes to other servers using the platforms networking
Represents an object which dispatches OutgoingMessages.
Represents a provider for Messenger instances.
A sub-type of Node used to store meta assignments.
A MetaNode builder.
Represents a meta stack model, consisting of a chain of elements, separated by spacers.
Represents an element within a MetaStackDefinition.
Factory to create meta stack elements and definitions.
A function that selects the meta value to be used in queries against a given meta key.
A mutable implementation of ContextSet.
Represents a LuckPerms "node".
Called when a node is added to a holder
NodeBuilder<N extends ScopedNode<N,B>,B extends NodeBuilder<N,B>>
Builder for Nodes.
A registry of methods for obtaining NodeBuilders for the various node types.
Called when a holder has their nodes cleared
An equality test for determining if two nodes are to be considered equal.
Encapsulates a store of data (Nodes) within a PermissionHolder.
NodeMatcher<T extends Node>
A predicate which matches certain Nodes.
A factory which creates NodeMatchers.
Represents a key for a specific type of node metadata.
Called when a node is added to/removed from a user/group
Called when a node is removed from a holder
NodeType<T extends Node>
Represents a type of Node.
Represents a key for a custom option defined in QueryOptions.
Represents an outgoing Message.
Represents the position of a parameter within an event.
Generic superinterface for an object which holds permissions.
Represents a way to identify distinct PermissionHolders.
A sub-type of Node representing basic permissions.
A PermissionNode builder.
Provides information about the platform LuckPerms is running on.
Represents a type of platform which LuckPerms can run on.
Represents an entity on the server.
The different types of PlatformEntity
A utility class for adapting platform Player instances to LuckPerms Users.
Called when player data is saved to the storage.
Called when LuckPerms has finished processing a Player's initial connection.
Encapsulates the result of an operation to save uuid data about a player.
The various states the result can take
Provides information about the LuckPerms plugin.
Called when an sync task has been completed
A sub-type of Node used to store prefix assignments.
A PrefixNode builder.
Called before a received network sync task runs
Called before a sync task runs
Encapsulates the result of Users promotion along a Track.
The result status
Represents the type of query associated with a given QueryOptions.
Represents the parameters for a lookup query.
Builder for QueryOptions.
A registry providing useful QueryOptions instances.
A sub-type of Node used to store regex permissions.
Result<T,N extends Node>
Represents the result of a cached data lookup.
Represents a generic result, which can either be successful or fail.
Represents an event that has a result.
ScopedNode<N extends ScopedNode<N,B>,B extends NodeBuilder<N,B>>
A Node, with its own type and the type of its associated builder defined as a type parameter.
Represents the source of an event.
Represents a type of source
Represents an event with a Source.
Extension of ContextCalculator which provides the same context regardless of the subject.
A sub-type of Node used to store suffix assignments.
A SuffixNode builder.
Controls how the implementation should behave when new temporary nodes are set that would otherwise conflict with existing entries.
An ordered chain of Groups.
Represents the type of action performed in a UserTrackEvent
Called when a group is added to a track
Called when a track is cleared
Called when a track is created
Called when a track is deleted
Called when all tracks have been loaded in from storage.
Called when a track is loaded into memory from the storage.
Represents the object responsible for managing Track instances.
Called when a track is changed
Called when a group is removed from a track
Represents three different states of a setting.
Called when the platform needs to determine the type of a player's unique id.
Called when the platform needs a unique id for a given username.
Represents an "update" message.
A player which holds permission data.
Called when a users CachedDataManager is loaded.
Called when a users cached data is refreshed
Called when a user is demoted down a track.
Called when the user logs into the network for the first time.
Called when a user is loaded into memory from the storage.
Represents the object responsible for managing User instances.
Called when the platform needs a username for a given unique id.
Called when the validity of a username is being tested.
Called when a user is promoted up a track.
Called when a user interacts with a track through a promotion or demotion
Called when a user is about to be unloaded from memory.
Represents an "user update" message.
A sub-type of Node used to mark the weight of the node's holder.
A WeightNode builder.